2023 Youth Mission Activities

For 2023 the St. Alban’s Youth Group stayed local for their summer mission work.  This year the group spent a week learning about need in the local community, and how we can help meet those needs.

The group is ready to do their part to clean up Sleepy Hollow Rd.

On Monday the group took a walk into Annandale to talk about how the area’s infrastructure (lack of sidewalks and inconvenient bus service) creates problems for those in our community without transportation, or with
inadequate transportation.  Later the the group spent time giving back to the community through a road-side cleanup on Sleepy Hollow Road.  On Monday afternoon, the group traveled to the Samaritan Ministry Anacostia office to find out how our ministry partner organization helps others get a second chance and a new start in life.

On Tuesday, the group helped out at the Annandale Christian Community for Action (ACCA) Child Development Center.  In the morning the team helped the kids build and fly paper airplanes, build a 3′ tall rocket and helped unload a delivery of supplies for the school.  After lunch the group returned to spend the afternoon on the playground with the kids.

Cole shows a new friend the proper technique for folding a paper airplane.

On Wednesday to Youth Group traveled back to Anacostia, this time to Martha’s Table to help set up and run their daily “Martha’s Table

Unloading fresh produce for Martha’s Table Market.

Market,” a farmer’s market for households in need.  Twice a month, families can “shop” at the free market for fresh produce, meat and non-perishable food items.

Just finished repackaging 15 crates of collard greens.

The week will end with a jaunt into West Virginia to spend time together, do some team building, and spend a day canoeing on the Cheat River.

Our group: Zach, Fr. Jeff, Alison, Cris, CC, Fr. Paul, Debbe, Sam, Cole, Heath, Harry.


Father Jeff

The Rev. Jeff Shankles came to St. Alban’s in 2005 as assistant rector, and eventually became rector in 2013. He and his wife, Kate, have two adult children, Audrey and William.

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