by Bill Calvert & Linda Cummings
With the start of the 2019 Capital Campaign just around the corner, the Vestry, Fr. Jeff and the Campaign Co-Chairs (Bill Calvert and Linda Cummings) are pleased to present the Executive Committee and liaisons for the campaign (see the org chart below or download a copy here). We are grateful that so many wonderful and talented fellow parishioners are willing to give their time and advice for this critical 4-month endeavor that will help define the future path of our parish.
There will be many opportunities for everyone to help support the Capital Campaign over the next four months. We’ll need volunteers to help with visitations, scheduling, reporting, acknowledgements, grant proposals, graphics, and even planning celebration events. If you are willing to give a week or two of your time to help out, please contact Bill Calvert, Linda Cummings or Fr. Jeff.
Soon, you will also see a new face around St. Albans. Daniella Hansen will be our on-site capital campaign consultant, available for discussions and questions throughout the course of the campaign (to see Daniella’s bio, click here). Please join us in welcoming Daniella to St. Albans.
We will continue to provide capital campaign updates on our website, so be sure to check back frequently by clicking the banner at the very top of each page of our website!