Chatting Fingers handmades for sale – a great way to support St. Alban’s!

Chatting Fingers, the group that makes handmade items for sale at the bazaar, has been meeting via Zoom since April. Besides keeping up with our main mission of chatting to keep in touch, we have made more new items and have put together a catalogue in pdf file format. We have knits, fabric arts, beaded necklaces, ceramics, seasonal wreaths, cards, and even Christmas-themed face masks!  If you would like to receive a copy (updated once a week) please email Betsy Anderson at [email protected]. The catalog includes instructions for how to pay for and pick up any items you buy. If you would like to join the group Tuesdays at 10:00 am, please email Betsy to request the Zoom link.

Father Jeff

The Rev. Jeff Shankles came to St. Alban’s in 2005 as assistant rector, and eventually became rector in 2013. He and his wife, Kate, have two adult children, Audrey and William.

View all posts by Father Jeff

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