Has the thought of baking cookies and preparing coffee for 75 put you off being a Sunday morning Coffee Hour Host in the past?
Now, with “Virtual Coffee Hour” anyone can be a Coffee Hour Host!
Coffee Hour has long been a staple of most Episcopal faith communities. For me, there is nothing sadder than to walk out of church and directly to my car. No socializing, no catching up on so-and-so’s latest travel; no opportunity to meet the new family or the visitors brave enough to come to Coffee Hour (I mean, let’s face it, it does take some courage as the “new person” to willingly walk into an already established community of friends and family.)
Coffee Hour is a ministry of hospitality, a ministry of welcome, and a ministry of relationship building, and even though we’re not physically meeting for Sunday worship, we still gather together following worship for our Virtual Coffee Hour.
For the past few months, clergy and Vestry have served as Coffee Hour Hosts: starting the Zoom meeting after the 10:00 am worship video, monitoring the “Zoom waiting room” and admitting guests, and in general just being a welcoming presence.
Now we’d like to invite all of YOU to join us in this ministry of hospitality.
Being a zoom meeting host is really not that difficult, so if you have any questions or concerns, a member of the clergy or Vestry will reach out to you and walk you through how to host a Zoom meeting and, just think – you can amaze your grandkids with your new computer skill!
You will use the church’s Zoom account, so all you need is a computer or laptop and a warm, welcoming smile! You will receive an email with login instructions prior to your hosting date.
Coffee Hour Host is a ministry of “community building”. It helps us keep our community together, and helps our community grow. Please sign up to be a Coffee Hour Host at this link.