Sacred Ground Circle at St. Alban’s Begins January 14 at 6pm

St. Alban’s will begin its second Sacred Ground Circle on Thursday, January 14 at 6pm using Zoom. Contact Deacon Theresa by Sunday, January 10 if you have questions or would like to participate. The 10-week film- and reading-based series is part of Becoming Beloved Community, The Episcopal Church’s long-term commitment to racial healing, reconciliation, and justice in our personal lives, our ministries, and our society. For more information about Sacred Ground, see the January/February edition of The Word or visit the Sacred Ground Website.

Father Jeff

The Rev. Jeff Shankles came to St. Alban’s in 2005 as assistant rector, and eventually became rector in 2013. He and his wife, Kate, have two adult children, Audrey and William.

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