Join Us for Evensong: Mark May 26 on your calendar and plan to join us at 7pm for a special Evensong for the Sixth Sunday of Easter. This is a special meditative service of readings, choral anthems, hymns, chanted psalms, and prayers.
Also, Evensong is a great opportunity for folks to temporarily join our choir — if you’ve ever wanted to be a part of it. but aren’t able to make the year-round commitment, you are welcome to join us for this special Evensong service. Simply come to Thursday evening rehearsal this week at 7:30pm.
What’s Going On at the Altar? Our series of Episcopal 101 classes continues every Sunday in May at 9:15am! From the Book of Common Prayer (Where did it come from? Why do we use it?) to the Holy Eucharist (What’s everyone doing up there at the altar during Communion?), get grounded in the basics of the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement! For newcomers and long-timers alike.
The Wired Word: Join us on Sundays at 9:15am in the Lawlor Library for a discussion on current events from a Christian perspective. This week’s download: D.C. Man Hits All 419 National Parks in One Trip.
Get Wild with VBS, July 29 – August 2: Time to sign your kids up for Vacation Bible School. This year, St. Alban’s and our friends at Peace Lutheran will be co-sponsoring this special program to introduce children to the basic concepts of Christian faith and living. It’s going to be a fun time for all, but you need to register now. Learn more and sign up.
ACCA Food Pantry Seeks Volunteers for Test Program: The Food Pantry needs help as they begin a test program of serving the community on Saturdays. Volunteers would work from 9:00 am to noon on Saturday, May 11, May 18, and June 1, and help with a variety of tasks necessary to keep the Food Pantry running and in order (tasks may include disposing of spoiled or expired food, serving as a food deliverer, helping with inventory, cleaning the pantry, stocking shelves, etc.) To learn more or volunteer with this Saturday program, please contact David Donahue.
Samaritan Ministry Toiletries Drive: St. Alban’s is helping collect toiletries for Samaritan Ministry through June 16. Below is a list of the toiletries that are currently being requested, but we are not limited to these. We just ask that all items be new.
- Body wash
- Dental floss
- Deodorant
- Disposable razors
- Face cloths
- Hand sanitizer
- Lotion (small and medium sizes)
- Non-alcoholic mouth wash
- Sanitary napkins
- Shampoo and conditioner
- Shaving cream
- Soap
- Sun Screen
- Toothpaste and toothbrushes
For more info, please email Debbe Hughes or call (703) 507-7338.
A Successful Benefit: Thank you to all of the participants, volunteers, and attendees who made our May 4 Benefit Concert such a huge success. We raised nearly $3,000 to support victims of hurricanes, wildfires, and floods. A special thanks to Harry & Dolores Baisden, who were once again the driving force behind this successful fundraiser.
Congratulations to the Keipers: Rosalind Marie Keiper came into the world on Tuesday night. Mother, Caitrin, and daughter are doing very well; older brother, Edmund, and father, Adam, are quite over the moon. Would you like to help the Keipers while they are welcoming their new addition? Sign up for meal prep using this link and password 2755.
VBS Volunteers Needed: Actors, artists, builders, costumers, decorators and designers needed to help with VBS (happening July 29 – August 2). Email Melanie Jillson or Ann Gates, or contact them in person.
What’s Happening: Keep up to date by keeping a close eye on our Calendar of Events.
Serving Schedule: Here’s the current two-week serving schedule.
Readings for May 12, 2019
O God, whose Son Jesus is the good shepherd of your people: Grant that when we hear his voice we may know him who calls us each by name, and follow where he leads; who, with you and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.