Benefit Concert on May 4!: Our concert fundraiser is happening Saturday, May 4, from 1:00pm to 5:00pm in the Parish Hall. It’s going to be a great time for a great cause, as all proceeds will go to support victims of last year’s hurricanes, wildfires, and floods. The music runs the gamut — from opera to bluegrass to rock, even a balalaika solo! Don’t miss it.
Stuff a Backpack: Between services on May 5, please come join us in the Parish Hall and help package weekend meals for our Belvedere Elementary School Backpack Ministry.
Episcopal 101: Find out everything you wanted to know about Episcopalianism — and maybe even some things you didn’t know you wanted to know! Our Episcopal 101 series of classes kicks off this Sunday, May 5, at 9:15am in Room 11. Whether you are new to the church or have been coming for years, you’ll find this a useful and fun series of workshops that will help you better understand our church and our faith. It runs every Sunday in May; learn more here.
Trip to the National Cathedral: Also on May 5, parishioner Debbie Rosse will be leading a group of kids and yoth on a trip to the National Cathedral in Washington. It is expected to last from 9am to 3pm (though please arrive at the church parking lot by 8:45am!), and will include a tour, service, and lunch. Contact Debbie if you would like to attend or want more information.
VBS Volunteers Needed: Actors, artists, builders, costumers, decorators and designers needed to help with VBS (happening July 29 – August 2). Email Melanie Jillson or Ann Gates, or contact them in person.
What’s Happening: Keep up to date by keeping a close eye on our Calendar of Events.
Serving Schedule: Here’s the current two-week serving schedule.
Readings for May 5
O God, whose blessed Son made himself known to his disciples in the breaking of bread: Open the eyes of our faith, that we may behold him in all his redeeming work; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.