Giving & Stewardship

MAKE YOUR PLEDGE. Click here to submit your pledge for 2025. Every pledge counts as we seek to serve God and each other in our neighborhood.

Stewardship is about being grateful, responsible stewards of the gifts we receive from God. The tradition of giving back to God and to the church comes from the Biblical practice of “tithing,” which means to give back a tenth of our earnings to God (Numbers 18:26).

At St. Alban’s, we see stewardship as more than simply contributing money to the church; it’s also about contributing time and talents, and volunteering for ministry and mission. It’s about building relationships from a perspective of abundance, instead of scarcity.

Annual Pledge

There are a variety of ways to financially support the mission and ministries at St. Alban’s, and any and all support is gratefully received.  Various fund raisers and other opportunities for giving will arise throughout the year to help financially support a specific outreach mission or ministry (such as our Good Friday collection for the church in Jerusalem, or our annual summer Youth Group trip to Appalachia).

The standard vehicle for giving for any charitable organization is the annual pledge.  When you pledge to St. Alban’s, you help our finance committee and parish leadership prepare and maintain a budget for the coming year’s activities.

Our annual pledge drive begins in the fall, and we hope to encourage one another to remember the abundance with which we have been blessed by God, and to give freely from that abundance. We say we “give back” to God what God has given to us.  In our catechism, we say that pledging “represents specific Christian commitment to ‘work, pray, and give for the spread of the kingdom of God.’” A pledge is a statement of intent, not a legal obligation, and it can be changed at any time.

For more information about pledging and special fundraising efforts, please contact us.

The Birthday Fund

The St. Alban’s Birthday Fund has been around since the 1970’s, and has supported a variety of ministries and projects. In 2013, the Vestry voted to commit the birthday funds to Shrine Mont scholarships for children and youth. The scholarship money is used to defray the cost for children and youth to attend our parish weekend.

How do you give to the Birthday Fund?

There are envelopes in the narthex labeled “Birthday Fund,” and anyone can take one. On, or about, the date of your birthday, make a donation (cash or check) to the Fund by either putting it in the offering plate when it comes around, mailing it to the parish office, or handing it to an usher or a member of the clergy.

Your donation helps ensure that our Shrine Mont parish weekend remains affordable for families so that our youth can enjoy what has become a much loved tradition at St. Alban’s.

Electronic Giving

It’s easier than ever to give to St. Alban’s.  The service we use, “myEoffering,” provides the ease and convenience of having your contributions deducted from your checking account or credit card account. This service also makes it convenient to donate Easter, Christmas, flower, birthday, and other special offerings.

You can select periodic or one-time deductions. Our test of service found that the deductions appeared in the donor’s checking account within 3 business days. Here are some other tips from that experience:

  • If possible, select a date prior to the 20th of the month for your periodic contribution.  This will ensure that the payment is credited to St. Alban’s in the same calendar month and in turn ensure that your offering will be on the tax statement for the correct year.
  • To make your offering cost-free for St. Alban’s, click the box to include the transaction fee in your donation.  The fee for bank account transactions is 30 cents.  For credit card transactions the fee is 2.75% + 30 cents per transaction. Every little bit helps St. Alban’s maintain our mission and outreach!

Please give electronic giving a try!  Click here to go to the secure myEoffering site.

(You can also click here to download helpful instructions.)