Our Worship Services

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As Episcopalians, we don’t demand that everyone agree with everyone else about anything. Everyone has questions; not all answers are the same.

What brings us together as a community and a congregation? Worship. We come together — all of us: rich, poor, conservative, liberal, male, female, gay, straight; all races, genders, ethnicities, and walks of life — to praise God, confess our sins, pray in thanksgiving and intercession, read Scripture, and, especially, participate in the sacrament of Holy Eucharist.

Holy Eucharist (what some call Holy Communion or The Lord’s Supper) is the sharing of the blessed bread and wine.

At St. Alban’s, we celebrate Holy Eucharist in two services every Sunday, at 8:00am (without choir) and at 10:30am (with full choir and music).

You’ll find worship to be a joyous experience at St. Alban’s, with a beautiful liturgy and music. We appreciate both Rite II (contemporary language) and Rite 1 (traditional language) styles, making full use of the Book of Common Prayer.

We also celebrate the Eucharist on Tuesday mornings at 9am in a special service, without music, focused on healing prayers.

Please join us for worship! You’ll find a friendly, diverse community at Saint Alban’s. To learn more about visiting one of our worship services, please click here. (If you’re new to Episcopal forms of worship, don’t worry — it’s all explained in printed bulletins at each service, making it easy to follow and participate.)


St. Alban’s provides a well equipped, safe, and clean nursery for the convenience of those attending our Sunday morning services. The nursery opens at 8:00 am.  Nursery care is provided for infants and children up to age 4. The nursery is staffed by trained attendants who genuinely love and care about the children under their charge.

To provide the best possible guidance for nursery staff, St. Alban’s consulted Commonwealth of Virginia guidelines for licensed child day care centers (VR 175-08-01) in establishing our nursery policies and procedures.

Daily Prayer

Join us Monday – Friday at 8:00am for Morning Prayer. This quiet, peaceful and brief service (approximately 20-25 minutes) is a great way to start the day with readings of scripture and Psalms, and recitation of prayers.

The “Daily Office,” as it is known, is a core part of the Anglican tradition, and a way to remind ourselves of the presence of God throughout our day.

You can join us online — the Daily Prayer is broadcast via Zoom online conferencing. For the link, see our weekly e-newsletter, St. Alban’s Message. You can sign up using the form on our home page, or contact the office at [email protected].

Morning Prayer Booklet

The Daily Prayer Booklet changes with each season of the church calendar. Hard copies are available in the Narthex at St. Alban’s, or download them here.

Wednesday Compline

End your day in prayer and fellowship every Wednesday evening at 8:00pm for Compline. This brief service (approximately 20-25 minutes) is a perfect way to end a busy day with readings of scripture, Psalms, and prayers.

The “Order for Compline,” also known as “Night Prayer,” is a part of the Anglican tradition that is a service of quietness and reflection before your evening rest. Click here to download the Compline Prayer Booklet (PDF).

Like our daily morning prayer, Compline is broadcast online via Zoom conferencing. For the link, see our weekly e-newsletter, St. Alban’s Message. You can sign up using the form on our home page, or contact the office at [email protected].

Baptism Services

“…the sacrament by which God adopts us as his children and makes us members of Christ’s Body, the Church, and inheritors of the kingdom of God.” (Book of Common Prayer, p. 858)

We’re glad you’re interested in Baptism at St. Alban’s! Whether infant, child, youth, or adult, all are invited to experience the grace of God through the waters of new birth. As one of two principle sacraments shared throughout the Christian church around the world, Baptism is a powerful and important occasion in both the life of the individual and the community.

Through baptism we are made “children of God” and “member’s of Christ’s Body, the Church.” Both are important. Both are highly valued at St. Alban’s, as we take very seriously the community’s promise in the Baptismal liturgy to “do all in [our] power to support these persons in their life in Christ.”

In the Episcopal tradition, a person may be baptized at any age. Adults participate in classes to prepare them for the sacrament. For infant and child baptisms, a class and a rehearsal are scheduled before each baptism to prepare parents and godparents.

The sacrament of Baptism is celebrated in a public rite, almost always on Sundays, and is especially appropriate on those days, such as All Saints or Pentecost, when the meaning of baptism can be particularly highlighted. Adult baptism is most appropriate at the Easter Vigil, the first service of Easter day. Baptisms are not normally celebrated during the season of Lent.

On baptismal Sundays we offer baptism during either of our regularly scheduled worship services so that individuals or families may choose the service they attend most often. If St. Alban’s is not already your spiritual home, please consider coming by one Sunday to join in the worship and fellowship. Baptism can be a wonderful first-step in becoming part of the St. Alban’s community.

Interested in learning more, or would you like to speak to a priest about baptism? Contact us.