We request permission for your photo/image and personally identifiable information to be published on the WeAreStAlbans.org web site, and/or on parish related social media accounts.
Pursuant to law, we will not release any personally identifiable information without separate prior written consent from you. We want to be sure to protect those who wish to be private, and so we are asking for your permission to use photographs.
If you, or a parent or guardian, wish to rescind this agreement, you may do so at any time in writing by notifying us of your decision, and such rescission will take effect upon receipt.
Youth Mission Participant: Photo Consent Form
We request permission for your photo/image and personally identifiable information to be published on the WeAreStAlbans.org web site, and/or on parish related social media accounts. As you are aware, there are potential dangers associated with the posting of personally identifiable information on a web site since global access to the internet does not allow us to control who may access such information. As such, we are required by law to ask for your permission to use a photographic representation. Pursuant to law, we will not release any personally identifiable information without prior written consent from you. Personally identifiable information includes names, photos or images, residential addresses, e-mail address, phone numbers. If you, or a parent or guardian, wish to rescind this agreement, you may do so at any time in writing by notifying us of your decision, and such rescission will take effect upon receipt.