The Rev. Halim Shukair, guest preacher for Sunday, August 8, 2021
This Sunday, August 8, we welcome the Rev. Halim Shukair as our guest preacher.
The Rev. Halim Shukair hails from Beirut, Lebanon. Fr. Halim is currently Assistant Priest at Christ Episcopal Church, and Priest-in-Charge for Mother of the Savior Church, both in Dearborn, Michigan.
He holds Masters of Divinity (MDiv. 2018) from Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria; and holds previous degrees from the Lebanese American University and a Diploma in Theology from the Near East School of Theology (both located in Beirut, Lebanon). He discerned a call to holy orders from his home parish All Saints Episcopal Church in Beirut.
Fr. Halim was ordained in December, 2018 at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Detroit, Michigan by the Rt. Rev. Wendell Gibbs, Bishop of Michigan, on behalf of the Most Rev. Suheil Dawani (Archbishop of Jerusalem.)
Halim has a particular interest in interfaith dialogue, Christian Formation, Liturgy and contemplative life.
July 2021 Caregivers Session
Our July Caregivers’ session will be held this Sunday, July 11 at 11:45 am in the Parish Hall. Light snacks will be provided during this time of resource sharing and support for those who provide physical, emotional, financial, or other support for a loved one.
For those of you who wish to attend virtually, the Zoom log-in is:
Meeting ID: 851 2374 3510
Passcode: 179542
If you need to call in by phone: +13017158592,,85123743510#,,,,*179542# US (Washington DC)
A Virtual Prayer Vigil for Justice, Reconciliation, and Peace
Saturday, June 6, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Dear Friends in Christ,
When people of faith are thrown into the wilderness of hurt, fear, anger and pain, one of our first impulses is to pray. Our biblical witness is full of the cries of God’s people, some of them quite eloquent, some little more than inarticulate screams from the heart.
God, help us!
How long, O Lord?
Answer me when I call, O God!
Give ear to my cry, O Lord!
We pray because God puts it into our hearts to do so. God desires to be in deep communion with us, and prayer builds that communion. Prayer draws us close to the beating heart of God.
We pray because we have seen and experienced that prayer is concrete action for the sake of the world. God hears our prayers, and God answers. Our words do not return to us empty, but prepare a way for God to do in the world all that God intends.
We pray because at times we can do no other.
We pray knowing that it is risky to pray. God may well answer our prayer by sending us out to be what we want to see in the world. God may well choose to change us and use us according to the prayers we have uttered.
We take the marvelous risk of praying for justice in our world now, opening ourselves to God for the sake of a world so in need of God’s presence, God’s love, God’s transforming power.
I am grateful to the community of Deacons in the Diocese of Virginia for calling us to this 12 Hour Virtual Prayer Vigil for Justice, Reconciliation and Peace. It is part of the role of a Deacon in worship to call God’s people to prayer, and our Deacons are faithful in calling us from our individual congregations to a wider community of prayer together.
There are a variety of ways to participate in the vigil:
- You may sign up for 30-minute prayer slots. There is no limit to how many people can sign up for a single time slot. The more people praying together, the better!
- You can set a time to pray alone or with members of your household.
- You can host an online prayer vigil for your small group, congregation or faith community.
- You can tune in to the prayer time live on the Diocese of Virginia’s Facebook page Saturday at 8:00 p.m.
The diocesan Deacons have composed this prayer booklet for use as a resource during the vigil. Use whatever is helpful to you. Add a song as you are called. Read some of the Psalms, which are quintessential cries of the heart. Follow the ways that God is leading you.
May God’s blessing fall richly upon you as you share in this time of vigil. May God bless us all as God works in and through us in the power of prayer.
Your sister in Christ,
The Rt. Rev. Susan E. Goff
Bishop Suffragan and Ecclesiastical Authority
Vacation Bible School 2019 – Monday
Join us for our annual parish weekend at Shrine Mont – September 27-29, 2019
Our annual weekend at the diocesan retreat center in the Shenandoah’s is a great time to relax, and spend time getting to know one another over mealtimes, worship, singing, and fellowship. While there are different programs offered, the only thing that is “mandatory” is that you enjoy yourself, have fun and take advantage of the slow pace of life over the weekend. If a glass of sweet-tea or a tasty Anglican beverage are calling to you from a porch rocker, then that’s where you need to be!Read More
What’s Up @ St. Alban’s (June 2, 2019)
This Week’s Readings
O God, the King of glory, you have exalted your only Son Jesus Christ with great triumph to your kingdom in heaven: Do not leave us comfortless, but send us your Holy Spirit to strengthen us, and exalt us to that place where our Savior Christ has gone before; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.
Check out our calendar of events.
Download this week’s Wired Word.
Next Week is Pentecost, Plus Blessing of Graduates
Next Sunday (June 9) is Pentecost Sunday. Don’t forget to wear red!
Plus, we will conduct a Blessing of the Graduates at each Sunday service on June 9. If your child is graduating and you would like them to participate, please contact Fr Paul by Thursday, June 6.
Annual Parish Picnic on June 23
It’s time: The annual St. Alban’s Parish Picnic will be held on June 23 following the 10:15 service. The picnic will be catered by Red, Hot and Blue, but please bring a side dish or dessert to share, and a chair for the lawn. (Drop off your dish in the Parish Hall kitchen prior to the service.)
Last names A – L . . . please bring a side dish!
Last names M – Z . . . please bring a dessert!
As always, there will be fun for everyone, including a Moon Bounce and lawn games! We will need some help with set-up and clean-up — the set-up will begin around 8:00 AM. Please email [email protected] if you can help.
Ain’t No Party Like a Sunday School Party
Next Sunday, June 9, starting at 9:15am we will be hosting our year-end Sunday School Party! We will have lots of treats and activities, and a Pentecost theme.
All children and parents are welcome. Parents may bring a snack to share, but it’s not required. Come help us thank all of our students and teachers for a great year.
It’s Time for VBS
Vacation Bible School is happening from July 29 to August 2. Go here for more information about VBS at St. Alban’s.
Registration forms are now available in the narthex, and you can also sign your kid(s) up online here.
Plus, volunteers needed for VBS . . . Join us and become an Actor, Artist, Builder, Costumer, Decorator and/or Designer! Contact Melanie Jillson or Ann Gates to learn more.
Serving Our Community: How You Can Help
We love Annandale and our surrounding community! Here are some ways you can help serve our neighbors, and demonstrate our faith in Christ, this month.
Stuff a Backpack on June 2
Between services this Sunday, come to the Parish Hall and help us stuff backpacks with healthy food for our Belvedere Backpack Ministry.
Adopt-a-Highway on June 15
Our next trash pickup on Sleepy Hollow will be Saturday June 15th at 9am. Meet at the church parking lot and bring gloves. Orange vests and bags will be provided. Children must be at least 10 to participate! RSVP to Elizabeth Howton.
Collecting Toiletries Until June 16
St. Alban’s is collecting toiletries for our partners at Samaritan Ministry until June 16. Learn more and see what items we need here.
ACCA Food Pantry Expanding to Saturdays, Needs Help
The ACCA Food Pantry is testing a new expansion and is seeking volunteers able to work Saturdays from 9am to noon. Learn more about this new opportunity here.
ACCA Food Pantry Seeks Volunteer Food Shoppers
Food buyers cover one week per month, working 6-10 hours that week. You will be responsible for purchasing and re-stocking the food inventory at the pantry that week. (A list of food will be provided.) To learn more, contact Tuan Nguyen at 703-563-1456 or 607-727-8915.
“Fill the Wagon” on June 2
The Mason Station has partnered with the Rotary Club of Bailey’s Crossroads and the Annandale Giant grocery store for a “Fill The Wagon” food drive on Sunday, June 2, from 10 am- 4pm. Help fill a police patrol wagon with non-perishable food items which will be donated to a local food pantry. Bring such items as spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, bags of dried lentils, bags of dried red beans, canned fruit, fruit cups, canned tuna, and canned beef stew.
Episcopal 101: Week 5 and Counting . . .
Episcopal 101 started as a four-part series, but now there’s no end in sight — join us at 9:15am on Sundays for a lively discussion about our faith and faith practices.
Each session focuses on a different topic, but we never know where the conversation will take us. Come join us in Room 11!
Caregivers Workshop on June 8
Join Pete Shrock, nationally known grief and crisis responder, for a special workshop in Alexandria on June 8. The event is free of charge, and sponsored by AARP Virginia, Fairfax County, George Mason University, and other organizations. Learn more and register here.
ACCA News for May
Check out the May 2019 newsletter for ACCA (Annandale Christian Community for Action).
Your Giving Makes Everything Possible
Check out the Giving page on our new website for info on how to donate electronically. Our myE-offering system is a simple way to manage your annual pledge, or to offer one-time donations for such items as flowers, Christmas and Easter offerings, birthday contributions, etc.
On that page you can also learn more about the Birthday Fund, a special fund which helps cover costs for kids and youth to attend Shrine Mont. Learn more here, and thank you for your commitment to our parish.
What’s Up @ St. Alban’s (May 26, 2019)
Evensong is Sunday at 7pm: Evensong is a rich English choral tradition, based on monastic prayer offices, in which nearly everything is sung. Evensong is cherished by singers and music-lovers alike. During our Evensong, the St. Alban’s Choir will sing works by John Stainer and William Harris.
The psalms are at the heart of the service, sung in traditional Anglican chant as well as Gregorian plainsong. We sing canticles, such as the Magnificat: Mary’s song of acceptance of the will of God and the knowledge that she will bear Jesus, the Son of God. We also hear the Nunc Dimittis, in which the high priest Simeon rejoices after he first sees the child Jesus in the temple. Both canticles are taken from the Gospel of Luke, and are chanted in Gregorian modes.
We will hear readings from Scripture, sing Evening hymns, and pray for the state of the world and the Church, interceding for those we love as well as those we don’t know.
We hope you will join us for this beautiful and meditative worship experience, Sunday, May 26, at 7pm.
Opportunities to Make a Difference: Don’t forget that we are currently collecting toiletries in a drive for Samaritan Ministry, and the ACCA Food Pantry is still seeking volunteers for a special Saturday pilot program.
Year End Sunday School Party: Help celebrate the end of a great Sunday School year (and thank all of our students and teachers) on Sunday, June 9, at 9:15am. All kids and parents are welcome! (Parents are welcome to bring a snack to share, but it is not required!) We’ll have lots of treats and activities and a special “Pentecost” theme. Join the fun!
Get Wild with VBS, July 29 – August 2: Time to sign your kids up for Vacation Bible School. This year, St. Alban’s and our friends at Peace Lutheran will be co-sponsoring this special program to introduce children to the basic concepts of Christian faith and living. It’s going to be a fun time for all, but you need to register now. Learn more and sign up.
VBS Volunteers Needed: Actors, artists, builders, costumers, decorators and designers needed to help with VBS (happening July 29 – August 2). Email Melanie Jillson or Ann Gates, or contact them in person.
The ACCA Food Ministry Seeks Volunteer Shoppers: As a food buyer, you will cover the pantry for one week per month; it will take approximately 6-10 hours per week. On the week you’re in charge, you will be responsible for the food inventory at the pantry, the purchase, and re-stock of fresh food such as milk, cheese, egg, orange juice, carrots, potatoes, hot dogs, etc. (a list of food will be provided).
For more information please contact Tuan Nyugen at 703-563-1456, or 607-727-8915.
Caregivers Workshop on June 8: Join Pete Shrock, nationally known grief and crisis responder, for a special workshop in Alexandria on June 8. The event is free of charge, and sponsored by AARP Virginia, Fairfax County, George Mason University, and other organizations. Learn more and register here.
ACCA May News: Read the latest newsletter from our friends at ACCA (Annandale Christian Community for Action).
Readings for May 26, 2019
O God, you have prepared for those who love you such good things as surpass our understanding: Pour into our hearts such love towards you, that we, loving you in all things and above all things, may obtain your promises, which exceed all that we can desire; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
What’s Up @ St. Alban’s (May 19, 2019)
One Week ’til Evensong: Next Sunday, May 26, St. Alban’s will host a special Evensong for the Sixth Sunday of Easter at 7pm. This is a special meditative service of readings, choral anthems, hymns, chanted psalms, and prayers.
Evensong is also a great opportunity for folks to temporarily join our choir — if you’ve ever wanted to be a part of it. but aren’t able to make the year-round commitment, you are welcome to join us for this special Evensong service. Simply come to Thursday evening rehearsal this week at 7:30pm.
Year End Sunday School Party: Help celebrate the end of a great Sunday School year (and thank all of our students and teachers) on Sunday, June 9, at 9:15am. All kids and parents are welcome! (Parents are welcome to bring a snack to share, but it is not required!) We’ll have lots of treats and activities and a special “Pentecost” theme. Join the fun!
Get to Know Your Church and Faith: What began as a four-part series has morphed into a stimulating conversation (with no end in sight!) about our faith and our faith practices. Join us on Sunday mornings in Room 11 as we tackle tough and interesting topics, and maybe even answer the questions you have always pondered: What does it mean to be an Episcopalian? What does it mean to be an Anglican? How do we differ from other Christian denominations or faiths? What do we believe? Why do we worship the way we worship? We’ll tackle these, and all your questions, during these classes. We never know where the conversation will take us!
ACCA Food Pantry Seeks Saturday Volunteers: The Food Pantry needs help as they begin a test program of serving the community on Saturdays. Volunteers would work from 9:00 am to noon on Saturday, May 11, May 18, and June 1, and help with a variety of tasks necessary to keep the Food Pantry running and in order (tasks may include disposing of spoiled or expired food, serving as a food deliverer, helping with inventory, cleaning the pantry, stocking shelves, etc.) To learn more or volunteer with this Saturday program, please contact David Donahue.
Get Wild with VBS, July 29 – August 2: Time to sign your kids up for Vacation Bible School. This year, St. Alban’s and our friends at Peace Lutheran will be co-sponsoring this special program to introduce children to the basic concepts of Christian faith and living. It’s going to be a fun time for all, but you need to register now. Learn more and sign up.
VBS Volunteers Needed: Actors, artists, builders, costumers, decorators and designers needed to help with VBS (happening July 29 – August 2). Email Melanie Jillson or Ann Gates, or contact them in person.
Samaritan Ministry Toiletries Drive: St. Alban’s is helping collect toiletries for Samaritan Ministry through June 16. Below is a list of the toiletries that are currently being requested, but we are not limited to these. We just ask that all items be new.
- Body wash
- Dental floss
- Deodorant
- Disposable razors
- Face cloths
- Hand sanitizer
- Lotion (small and medium sizes)
- Non-alcoholic mouth wash
- Sanitary napkins
- Shampoo and conditioner
- Shaving cream
- Soap
- Sun Screen
- Toothpaste and toothbrushes
For more info, please email Debbe Hughes or call (703) 507-7338.
What’s Happening: Don’t miss out! Keep track with our Calendar of Events.
Serving Schedule: Here’s the current two-week serving schedule.
Readings for May 19, 2019
Almighty God, whom truly to know is everlasting life: Grant us so perfectly to know your Son Jesus Christ to be the way, the truth, and the life, that we may steadfastly follow his steps in the way that leads to eternal life; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
What’s Up @ St. Alban’s (May 12, 2019)
Join Us for Evensong: Mark May 26 on your calendar and plan to join us at 7pm for a special Evensong for the Sixth Sunday of Easter. This is a special meditative service of readings, choral anthems, hymns, chanted psalms, and prayers.
Also, Evensong is a great opportunity for folks to temporarily join our choir — if you’ve ever wanted to be a part of it. but aren’t able to make the year-round commitment, you are welcome to join us for this special Evensong service. Simply come to Thursday evening rehearsal this week at 7:30pm.
What’s Going On at the Altar? Our series of Episcopal 101 classes continues every Sunday in May at 9:15am! From the Book of Common Prayer (Where did it come from? Why do we use it?) to the Holy Eucharist (What’s everyone doing up there at the altar during Communion?), get grounded in the basics of the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement! For newcomers and long-timers alike.
The Wired Word: Join us on Sundays at 9:15am in the Lawlor Library for a discussion on current events from a Christian perspective. This week’s download: D.C. Man Hits All 419 National Parks in One Trip.
Get Wild with VBS, July 29 – August 2: Time to sign your kids up for Vacation Bible School. This year, St. Alban’s and our friends at Peace Lutheran will be co-sponsoring this special program to introduce children to the basic concepts of Christian faith and living. It’s going to be a fun time for all, but you need to register now. Learn more and sign up.
ACCA Food Pantry Seeks Volunteers for Test Program: The Food Pantry needs help as they begin a test program of serving the community on Saturdays. Volunteers would work from 9:00 am to noon on Saturday, May 11, May 18, and June 1, and help with a variety of tasks necessary to keep the Food Pantry running and in order (tasks may include disposing of spoiled or expired food, serving as a food deliverer, helping with inventory, cleaning the pantry, stocking shelves, etc.) To learn more or volunteer with this Saturday program, please contact David Donahue.
Samaritan Ministry Toiletries Drive: St. Alban’s is helping collect toiletries for Samaritan Ministry through June 16. Below is a list of the toiletries that are currently being requested, but we are not limited to these. We just ask that all items be new.
- Body wash
- Dental floss
- Deodorant
- Disposable razors
- Face cloths
- Hand sanitizer
- Lotion (small and medium sizes)
- Non-alcoholic mouth wash
- Sanitary napkins
- Shampoo and conditioner
- Shaving cream
- Soap
- Sun Screen
- Toothpaste and toothbrushes
For more info, please email Debbe Hughes or call (703) 507-7338.
A Successful Benefit: Thank you to all of the participants, volunteers, and attendees who made our May 4 Benefit Concert such a huge success. We raised nearly $3,000 to support victims of hurricanes, wildfires, and floods. A special thanks to Harry & Dolores Baisden, who were once again the driving force behind this successful fundraiser.
Congratulations to the Keipers: Rosalind Marie Keiper came into the world on Tuesday night. Mother, Caitrin, and daughter are doing very well; older brother, Edmund, and father, Adam, are quite over the moon. Would you like to help the Keipers while they are welcoming their new addition? Sign up for meal prep using this link and password 2755.
VBS Volunteers Needed: Actors, artists, builders, costumers, decorators and designers needed to help with VBS (happening July 29 – August 2). Email Melanie Jillson or Ann Gates, or contact them in person.
What’s Happening: Keep up to date by keeping a close eye on our Calendar of Events.
Serving Schedule: Here’s the current two-week serving schedule.
Readings for May 12, 2019
O God, whose Son Jesus is the good shepherd of your people: Grant that when we hear his voice we may know him who calls us each by name, and follow where he leads; who, with you and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.