Be a Coffee Hour Host!

Coffee Hour is a staple in most Episcopal Churches, and that certainly holds true for St. Alban’s.  Coffee Hour is one of the most important events on Sunday mornings, second only to worship.  It’s our opportunity to catch up with friends and meet and greet visitors and newcomers.  But, Coffee Hour doesn’t just “happen.”  Maybe you would like to help by bringing food or signing up to set up, or help clean up? Participating in coffee hour has never been easier! Please sign up by clicking the links below to bring food, drinks, or help clean up or set up at either the 8:00 am or 10:30 am service!

For 8:00 am sign-up here!

For 10:30 am, sign-up here!

If you have any questions about Coffee Hour, you can check in with a Coffee Hour host, or contact the parish office.

Lenten Discipline: Feeding the Hungry with ACCA!

In observance of the Lenten Season, many people choose to “give up” something they enjoy as they enter a period of reflection.

An alternative to or perhaps in addition to this observance is to “take on” something new. 

If you can help us out, please consider contributing shelf-stable food to ACCA’s (Annandale Christian Community for Action) food pantry during the next 40 days. Inventory at the pantry is very low and demand for food is at a record high.

Consider collecting one item for each day of Lent—40 days yields 40 much-needed items.  You may simply leave the items in the Narthex for delivery to ACCA.

For more information, you can click here:

Here is a list of what we need at the food pantry. (* = most needed)

Peanut Butter*




Canned Corn*

Bar soap

Beef stew

Canned Beans including Kidney, Pinto. Baked, Garbanzo (chickpeas), Baked

Canned Chicken

Canned Fruit

Canned vegetables

Canned fruit

Canned Meals (Chef Boyardee)


Coffee (Instant preferred)

Cooking oil

Diced Tomatoes

Dish soap

Dry Black Beans

Dry Red Beans

Diapers all sizes

Feminine napkins



Laundry Soap

Macaroni (1 lb box)

Macaroni & Cheese



Pancake syrup

Paper Towels

Rice (1 or 2 lb. bag)


Soups (Chunky)

Spaghetti Sauce



Toilet Paper

Tomato Sauce




2023 Youth Mission Activities

For 2023 the St. Alban’s Youth Group stayed local for their summer mission work.  This year the group spent a week learning about need in the local community, and how we can help meet those needs.

The group is ready to do their part to clean up Sleepy Hollow Rd.

On Monday the group took a walk into Annandale to talk about how the area’s infrastructure (lack of sidewalks and inconvenient bus service) creates problems for those in our community without transportation, or with
inadequate transportation.  Later the the group spent time giving back to the community through a road-side cleanup on Sleepy Hollow Road.  On Monday afternoon, the group traveled to the Samaritan Ministry Anacostia office to find out how our ministry partner organization helps others get a second chance and a new start in life.

On Tuesday, the group helped out at the Annandale Christian Community for Action (ACCA) Child Development Center.  In the morning the team helped the kids build and fly paper airplanes, build a 3′ tall rocket and helped unload a delivery of supplies for the school.  After lunch the group returned to spend the afternoon on the playground with the kids.

Cole shows a new friend the proper technique for folding a paper airplane.

On Wednesday to Youth Group traveled back to Anacostia, this time to Martha’s Table to help set up and run their daily “Martha’s Table

Unloading fresh produce for Martha’s Table Market.

Market,” a farmer’s market for households in need.  Twice a month, families can “shop” at the free market for fresh produce, meat and non-perishable food items.

Just finished repackaging 15 crates of collard greens.

The week will end with a jaunt into West Virginia to spend time together, do some team building, and spend a day canoeing on the Cheat River.

Our group: Zach, Fr. Jeff, Alison, Cris, CC, Fr. Paul, Debbe, Sam, Cole, Heath, Harry.


Can you help ACCA meet the increased demand for food?

As families across the country struggle with reduced Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, we have seen a huge increase in demand for food from our food pantry here in Annandale. At the same time, we’ve all seen the increased prices for food overall which is depleting the funds we’ve set aside for fresh foods. Although we had very successful food drives in February, our shelves are bare.

Can you help? We need:

  • Nonperishable foods – We collect food donations Tuesday-Friday afternoons from 1:30 pm – 4 pm, with the exception of County Holidays and other scheduled closings. The ACCA food pantry is located at 7200 Columbia Pike (trailer separate from the day care center) in Annandale (next to the fire station). Please do not drop off food if a volunteer is not available. What we need.

Please share this information with your family, friends, and neighbors. Thank you all for your ongoing support for those in need of food!

For more information, please contact Gail Coleman, [email protected], 703-354-0656, or go to the ACCA website,

Annandale Christian Community for Action: Call for Food Donations Support

Help Our Hungry Neighbors

Due to the end of COVID assistance, families across the US struggle with their reduced Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. As a result we have seen a huge increase in demand for food from our food pantry here in Annandale!

Our food donations for February were 8,905 lbs. an amount twice as high as January 2023 thanks to the Stuff-the-Bus Campaign as well as the Stuff-the-Cruiser Campaign, both of which brought in over 2,000 pounds of food.

In February the ACCA Food Pantry provided food for 106 households and 369 individuals, which was very close to the same numbers we had for January, so the need for food assistance remains extremely high. Pre-pandemic we had approximately 8 deliveries a week now we are doing closer to 30!

With this increase in demand our shelves are BARE!!

Some of the Items Needed Include:

Bar soap, Beef stew, Canned Beans including Kidney, Black, Pinto. Baked, Garbanzo (chickpeas), Baked, Canned Chicken, Canned vegetables, Canned fruit, Cereal, Coffee (Instant preferred), Cooking oil, Diced Tomatoes, Dish soap, Dry Black Beans, Dry Red Beans, Diapers all sizes, Feminine napkins, Flour, Juice, Jelly/Jam, Laundry Soap, Macaroni & Cheese, Maseca/Masa, Mayonnaise/Ketchup/Mustard, Oatmeal, Pancake syrup, Paper Towels, Rice (1 or 2 lb. bag) , Shampoo, Soups (Chunky), Spaghetti Sauce, Sugar, Tea, Toilet Paper, Tomato Sauce, Tooth brushes, Tortillas, Tuna.


1) Donate Nonperishable foods – We will be collecting food donations Tuesday-Friday afternoons from 1:30-4 pm, with the exception of County Holidays and other scheduled closings. The ACCA food pantry is located at 7200 Columbia Pike (trailer separate from the day care center) in Annandale. Please do not drop off food if a volunteer is not available.

2) Donate Cash to purchase fresh foods. Donate through the Catalogue for Philanthropy at

3) Volunteer to schedule and make deliveries – fill out the volunteer interest form at

ACCA is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and contributions are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

Help earthquake relief efforts in Turkey and Syria

The devastating news of a major earthquake in Turkey and northern Syria is heart wrenching.  News of rescues and recovery leave one wondering what we can do in the midst of such tragedy.

Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) is a four-star rated charity and a reliable way to get funds to those most in urgent need.  This link will take you to Episcopal Relief and Development’s earthquake support page where you can help provide critical relief to communities in Turkey and Syria impacted by the earthquake.

We can offer prayers for those who lost their lives and pray for the grieving families and loved ones.  We can pray for those who lost homes and have inadequate shelter in the face of winter’s cold winds.  But we can also provide financial assistance – a concrete offering to help those who are suffering.

God, our times are in your hand. In the midst of uncertainty lead us by your never-failing grace as we seek to be agents of healing and hope. Walk with us through difficult times; watch over us in danger; and give to us a spirit of love and compassion for those who suffer and mourn. And finally remind us that you have promised never to leave us so that even in the valley of the shadow of death your love may be felt, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

– The Rev. Lyndon Harris, from the Episcopal Diocese of New York disaster preparedness plan

Poe Middle School After-School Meal Program Begins

St. Albans will be serving a hot meal to middle schoolers who participate in Poe’s after-school activities next Thursday, October 28. Here’s your opportunity to participate in this outreach, which began in 2013. Kids there have been asking when we’d return.

More than two-thirds of the students in the after-school programs receive free or reduced-priced breakfasts and lunches, and so our meals support those who face food insecurity at home at the end of the day. Here’s your opportunity to support this outreach!

To see volunteer slots (shopping, cooking, transporting, serving/cleaning), click this link to learn more and to sign up. Contact Remy Jurenas with any questions at [email protected].

Stuff the Bus – benefitting local food pantries

Fight Hunger in Fairfax County! Donate to the Stuff the Bus Food Drive on October 9

Stuff the Bus began in 2011 in response to a critical need to help restock the shelves of local food pantries after the holidays. This collaborative program is a partnership between Fairfax County Government and local nonprofits. Now in its 10th year, Stuff the Bus continues to support food assistance efforts for families and households. Since inception, Stuff the Bus has collected over 220 tons of food to feed hungry people in Fairfax County.

The next Stuff the Bus food drive will take place on Saturday, October 9. Fastran buses will be parked at locations throughout Fairfax County from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. to collect nonperishable food donations for area food pantries.

Get Involved!

See the complete list of food drop-off locations, what to put on your shopping list to donate, and tips for donating safely at Stuff the Bus.

Stuff the Bus Virtual Food Drive

For those who are unable to donate in person, monetary donations can be made by visiting Volunteer Fairfax’s Stuff the Bus Donation Page.

Ways to support Afghan refugees

As Afghan refugees arrive in Virginia, Lutheran Social Services (LSSNCA) is the agency providing resettlement support in the National Capitol Area. Information about monetary donations and the list of necessary items being accepted is available on the Lutheran Social Services website. Collection sites and dates in our area are listed below. The Lutheran Social Services website includes information about purchasing items through the LSSNCA Wish List on Amazon.

LDS Church
4911 Ox Rd
Fairfax, VA

TIMES: 11:00am-6:00pm

DATES:  Monday August 30- Saturday, September 11
(Sorry, no donations accepted on Sundays)

Peace Lutheran Church
6362 Lincolnia Road
Alexandria, Virginia 22312

TIMES: 12:00pm-7:00pm

Tuesday, August 31
Wednesday, September 1
Thursday, September 2

Food Ministry at Poe Middle School

Our Poe Middle School food distribution program has returned! 

We are targeting families in need at the elementary feeder schools who also have children attending Poe Middle School.  Every other week, we will pack a bag of healthy food for 35 families and deliver it to the H-Mart parking lot located at 7885 Heritage Drive.  We are looking for members who can help us pack the bags and transport them to the H-Mart parking lot for distribution.  Our Sign-Up Genius has openings for all distribution dates.  If you have any questions, please contact Nell Dillard at [email protected].  Thank you so much!