Lenten Discipline: Feeding the Hungry with ACCA!

In observance of the Lenten Season, many people choose to “give up” something they enjoy as they enter a period of reflection.

An alternative to or perhaps in addition to this observance is to “take on” something new. 

If you can help us out, please consider contributing shelf-stable food to ACCA’s (Annandale Christian Community for Action) food pantry during the next 40 days. Inventory at the pantry is very low and demand for food is at a record high.

Consider collecting one item for each day of Lent—40 days yields 40 much-needed items.  You may simply leave the items in the Narthex for delivery to ACCA.

For more information, you can click here: https://accacares.org/lenten-food-drive/

Here is a list of what we need at the food pantry. (* = most needed)

Peanut Butter*




Canned Corn*

Bar soap

Beef stew

Canned Beans including Kidney, Pinto. Baked, Garbanzo (chickpeas), Baked

Canned Chicken

Canned Fruit

Canned vegetables

Canned fruit

Canned Meals (Chef Boyardee)


Coffee (Instant preferred)

Cooking oil

Diced Tomatoes

Dish soap

Dry Black Beans

Dry Red Beans

Diapers all sizes

Feminine napkins



Laundry Soap

Macaroni (1 lb box)

Macaroni & Cheese



Pancake syrup

Paper Towels

Rice (1 or 2 lb. bag)


Soups (Chunky)

Spaghetti Sauce



Toilet Paper

Tomato Sauce




Muldoon Concert on Sunday, February 18 at 4:00pm

Please join us on Sunday, February 18 at 4:00pm in the Parish Hall for our next Muldoon Concert. The ensemble Sopranessence will be performing this free concert, and a reception will follow.

Sopranessence is an ensemble unlike any other, that will take you on a musical roller-coaster ride from operatic arias to Broadway show tunes and beloved songs from American culture. Sopranessence envisions a world in which audiences from all walks of life can enjoy classical music as an art form meant for everyone.

To learn more about this wonderful ensemble, click here!