Capital Campaign Kicks Off in September

by Bill Calvert & Linda Cummings

For those who participated in the St. Alban’s Feasibility and Planning Study, thank you! We are pleased to share that, at the close of the study, 51 strategic conversations were completed. An additional 40+ members of our community engaged in an electronic survey.

The St. Alban’s Feasibility Study Executive Summary provides an overview of the results; you can download a copy of the feasibility study here.

Our consultant, CCS Fundraising, presented a report to the Vestry during the June 2019 meeting. (Download this PDF to learn more about CCS Fundraising.) Following the presentation, the Vestry authorized the commencement of a Capital Campaign for the purposes of upgrading our kitchen and attached restroom facilities. The Vestry authorized funding to support the hiring of CCS Fundraising to run the Capital Campaign, scheduled to start on or about the first week of September.

Preliminary planning is now underway to establish leadership roles and responsibilities in support of the campaign. We (Bill Calvert and Linda Cummings) have agreed to co-chair the campaign and, with the help of the many willing and wonderful volunteers at St. Alban’s, hope to make this effort fully transparent and successful.

We will continually update the capital campaign and kitchen page on our website with info and news, so be sure to check back frequently. There’s a banner at the very top of each page of our website that will always take you there!

Many thanks again for your time, for your important advice, and for your help in this important planning endeavor for St. Alban’s. In the coming months, we will share more information about the plans. And, if you ever have any questions, please ask!

Bill Calvert and Linda Cummings are the co-chairs of the St. Alban’s Capital Campaign.

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